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Spring CanSkate Registration is now open!

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Terms and Conditions

Payments & Fees

All transactions will be completed in Canadian dollars (CAD).

A non-refundable $43.65 Skate Canada Fee (valid September to August yearly) is required per skater registered each season.

No refunds except with medical certificate and a written request.

We accept the following payment methods:

Visa, Mastercard, & Discovery Card
Cheque or Money Order - MADE PAYABLE TO Sackville Skating Club

Registration, including payment, must be received before skaters are permitted on the ice.

There is a $40 charge for any NSF cheques and these funds must be replaced with a money order or cash before the skater’s next session.

Programs/Lessons will take place at the location indicated in the program registration.


Skate Session Details

Placement of skaters on sessions and in groups is at the discretion of the head coach and coaching staff.

The number of sessions cannot be guaranteed due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as snow storms. Cancellations will be posted on the club’s website and facebook page.

As all communication is done via e-mail, please provide an e-mail address that you check regularly.



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Skate Canada coaches are celebrated as the best in the world, guiding homegrown talent to national and international success. Working in communities across the country, our more than 6,200 skating coaches are committed to holistic development, ongoing education, and fostering safe, inclusive, and competitive environments where all athletes can thrive.  

Trained and certified through the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), all coaches must maintain the following requirements to be in good standing: